I’m so homesick!! I miss my family terribly..mak abah at kamp0ng..i miss u!! I think this time my homesickness is pretty serious..uwaaa!! This isn’t sumthing that bothers me usually..i hate diz feeling c0z I noe dat I cant do anythg rite n0w.. my heart physically hurts a little. I’ve tried to get my mind off things, doesn’t work lyke always..oh G0d..i feel like crap!! Uhh!maybe I should pick up sumthng to put myself forget b0ut my home sweet home..spend time on the computer?Ohh! still..doesn’t work..study for tomorr0w’s quiz?? o..i cant do anythg 4 diz moment..stuck!!Eagerly, desperately, impatiently, superduper insanely wanna go home..friends??ok2..acceptable..u guys did make me feel better for a while!hehe..thnx anyway..
I miss my m0m s0 much!!miss everythg b0ut her! She’s crazy, she’s amazing, she’s fun, she’s caring, she’s soft, she’s strong, and she’s responsible. But most of all, she is my mom. No one can ever replace her. NO ONE!!
Abah? Yup..really miss him t0o..thnx 4 being such a g0od father!!luv abah dem2 much!! muahhhx!!!
so,pliz appreciate your mom and dad while u r at home coz when u r away, u would feel stuck like what i've felt jz n0w!!It is hard to appreciate them..I know..I have the same problem. But I promise you hanging out with them, or fighting with them,or laughing with them…it is all worth it..Spend time,laugh,live,njoy it while they are on diz earth!
p/s utk mak n abah: mak,abah, nurul syg makabh sgt2..trima kasih utk segala2nye yg dicurahkan dgn pen0h keikhlasan n ksh syg...luv u..