Thursday, August 27, 2009

[ S.T.U.C.K ]

today's class is starting from 8-11 a.m..
but i'm still laying on my bed..
decide not to go to d class..
take my lapt0p n write sumthg dat cant be expressed by thought..
so,i write it down here..
cant sleep well from last nite..
thinking,crying,evaluating,dreaming n crying again..
about my life,my future..
God chooses me..
but why me??
bcoz He loves me..

i dont know whether i've made a wise decision or a shit decision..
i've tried to move on..still..i cant..but i need to..i have to..

Tuhan,berila aku kekuatan..ak lemah..berila ak jln yg terbaek utk hidopku..

Monday, August 24, 2009

[ F.O.R.G.I.V.E.N.E.S.S ]

Easy to Forgive but Hard to F0rget is like dat..
its s0 easy to forgive..n s0 hard to forget..
Are you the kind of person dat easy to forgive?
If a person makes you mad,angry,sad,l0st,mab0k n blabla...
do you forgive her/him that easy?
Maybe, it depends on their sin,rite??

I'm not that easy to forgive, it really takes time..*ik0t mood ak r*
but y can God forgives as soon as we ask?
God forgives and forgets all...
He gives us the ability to choose right or wrong...
*ssungguhnye KAU Maha Pengampun lg Maha Baekk*

we need to forgive to have peace of mind and need to move on..
YES..forgive others will bring me happiness..
forgive others will teach me m0re h0w to appreciate life..

ya Allah,bless me wif the grace of forgiveness..
forgive my sins n annoit me wif d l0ve to forgive th0se who hurt me..

Monday, August 17, 2009

[R.A.M.A.D.H.A.N menjelma lagi]

rasanya da lame ak xmenulis..jd sempena kedatangan ramadhan al-mubarak ni rs bolehlaa kita kongsi serba sedikit fadhilat,ak ade amek bbrape hadith yg ade menerangkan fadhilatnya:

  • Ramadan, Ramada, ertinya : membakar – yakni menghapuskan dosa dosa orang yang berpuasa dan beribadat bulan Ramadan.
  • Ramadan ertinya bulan mendapatkan keredhaan Allah dan keampunan bagi hambaNya.

1.Abu Hurairah menyatakan: telah bersabda Rasulullah S.A.W yg bermaksud: Apabila telah tibanya Ramadhan, dibuka pintu-pintu syurga dan ditutup segala pintu neraka dan diikat segala syaitan.

2. Daripada Abu Hurairah drp Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda yg bermaksud :sesiapa yg berpuasa Ramadhan dgn penuh keimanan dan keikhlasan nescaya akan diampuninya segala dosanya yg telah lalu.

3. Sabda Nabi (s.a.w) : Tidur orang yang berpuasa itu adalah ibadat, dan nafasnya itu adalah tasbih, doanya itu mustajab, dosanya diampunkan Allah, dan amal ibadatnya dilipatgandakan . (Al Hadith)

4. Daripada Abi Soleh Az-Zayyat bahawa dia telah mendengar Abu Hurairah berkata: Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda yg bermaksud: setiap amalan anak adam baginya melainkan puasa maka ia untukKU dan Aku akan membalasnya. Dan puasa adalah perisai, maka apabila seseorang berada pada hari puasa maka dia dilarang menghampiri maksiat pada hari itu dan tidak meninggikan suaranya.

jadi,konklusinya,di bln ramadhan:

  • Keredaan Allah (bagi orang yang taat)
  • Keampuan Allah (bagi orang yang maksiat)
  • Jaminan Allah (bagi orang yang taat)
  • Kejinakan Allah (bagi orang yang tawakkal)
  • Anugerah Allah (bagi orang yang benar)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

[ U.N.D.E.R.S.T.O.O.D ]

understand u...
understand u n0t...

i dont understand
i really dont understand
i've tried to understand
but sori i cant understand
n i dont want to understand
coz it's hard to understand
i dont even understand
pliz make me be underst0od
i jz dont understand...


Monday, August 3, 2009

[ Going N.O.W.H.E.R.E ]

last nite i went to KOPITIAM 4 dinner wif
shasha,yaya,muiz,n hakim..
yaya+muiz n shasha+hakim n me+??
oh man!damnation occurs there c0z i'm al0ne
n always single but not available like usual..
but its ok..they r t0o cool by n0t neglecting me..
*seb baek korg pndai jge ht ak!*

sO,after taking our dinner,
muiz wif his SLR did his j0b!!here are s0me results..



kegedikan semakin t'serlah




Saturday, August 1, 2009


really miss u syg..th0se r my bel0ved nieces n nephews..all t0gether r only 5 (ceh,nmpk je mcm 100 org)*hasil drp 3 org kakk aku*..fairuz syazwanie,faiz syahmie,auni zafirah zayanna,arief amsyar n nur insyirah 0h baby!!what a beautiful creature!! i'm s0 damn obsess wif them..cute, innocent, tender, warm, sweet,indulgent,fragile n bla bla..uwaaa...i wanna have my own baby to0..but when??maybe it would take so so s0 l0ng time(sbb mase bljr xleh pregnant kawen boleh!!hikk ;p)eh,t'tkr topik pul0k!.anyway, i love u s0 much my dear..hopefully, when u gr0w up u can make ur parents be pr0ud n grateful of u..insyAllah

>ya Allah,kurniakanlah ak anak2 yg soleh dan solehah serta penyejuk mata..aminn

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